Medicare Preventive Services

Prostate Cancer Screening

Prostate cancer may be found by testing the amount of PSA (Prostate Specific Antigen) in your blood. Another way prostate cancer may be found is when your doctor performs a digital rectal exam. Medicare covers both of these tests.

Who Is Covered

All male Medicare beneficiaries aged 50 and older (coverage begins the day after their 50th birthday)


G0102 - Digital Rectal Exam (DRE)

G0103 - Prostate Specific Antigen Test (PSA)

ICD-10-CM Codes



Annually for covered beneficiaries

Medicare Beneficiary Pays


Digital rectal exam: You pay 20% of the Medicare-approved amount for a yearly digital rectal exam and for the doctor's services related to the exam. The Part B deductible applies. In a hospital outpatient setting, you pay a copayment.

   • Copayment applies

   • Coinsurance applies

   • Deductible applies


PSA test: You pay nothing for a yearly PSA blood test. If you get the test from a doctor that doesn’t accept assignment, you may have to pay an additional fee for the doctor’s services, but not for the test itself.

   • Copayment waived

   • Coinsurance waived

   • Deductible waived


CDC: prostate cancer information
National Cancer Institute: prostate cancer information
U.S. Preventive Services Task Force: Screening for Prostate Cancer Recommendations
American Cancer Society - Prostate Cancer
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